
At the traditional “Christmas lunch” organized by the Children’s Embassy, “For All the Children in the World,” a plaque, “Friend of the Children,” was awarded to Prilepska Pivarnica / Prilep Brewery.

7. Јануари 2023

At the traditional “Christmas lunch” organized by the Children’s Embassy, “For All the Children in the World,” a plaque, “Friend of the Children,” was awarded to Prilepska Pivarnica / Prilep Brewery.

Organized by the Children’s Embassy for all children in the world in Prilep, traditionally, for the 17th time on Christmas Day, the joint Christmas lunch of children from all over the country was held. Under the motto “One sky for all children,” about 500 children of different faiths and nationalities sat together at Christmas lunch to celebrate the birth of Christ. They gave their messages of peace, well-being, joy, and carefree childhood.

Christmas songs were sung at the Christmas lunch, and the “Zodiac” studio members from Prilep made the traditional procession and expressed the joy of Christ’s birth in front of the improvised cave.

This year, Prilepska Pivarnica / Prilep Brewery received the “PLAQUE FOR A FRIEND OF THE CHILDREN” recognition.