
Knjaz Milos

Knjaz Milos

Knjaz Milos S.A. is a regional leader in the mineral water category, which cares for a better future and the environment in which we live while meeting the needs of its customers. Its brands are Knjaz Milos and Aqua Viva, and the energy drink Guarana.

It is filled in:
 Plastic packaging of 1,75L, plastic packaging of 1,5L, plastic packaging
 of 1,25L, plastic packaging of 0,5L, glass packaging of 0,75L, and glass packaging of 0,25L.

0,25 л.

Glass packaging

0,75 л.

Glass packaging

0,5 л.

Plastic packaging

1,25 л.

Plastic packaging

1,5 л.

Plastic packaging

1,75 л.

Plastic packaging

Produced in: Knjaz Milos S.A. Arandjelovac R. Serbia

Importer: Prilep Brewery / Prilepska Pivarnica S.A., Cane Kuzmanoski 1, 7500 Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia.